Normally the cow bell should be handheld controlling the amount of ring with the fingers and palm, but I've found that too many times it has to be played mounted on a stand. Using Moon Gels© at different places on the cow bell controls the ring nicely.
Much better than using a wadded up handkerchief which tends to fall out.
There are times when I've had to play Tambourines mounted. Again the Moon Gels© work well.
They can also be used to change the timbre when handheld.
The problem with Moon Gels© (I call them Drummer's snot) is they tend to leave a greasy imprint on plastic and skin heads if left on for any period of time. On plastic it eventually disappears but I wonder if it could damage a skin head. Regardless, I always remove them soon after they are used.
Much better than using a wadded up handkerchief which tends to fall out.
There are times when I've had to play Tambourines mounted. Again the Moon Gels© work well.
They can also be used to change the timbre when handheld.
The problem with Moon Gels© (I call them Drummer's snot) is they tend to leave a greasy imprint on plastic and skin heads if left on for any period of time. On plastic it eventually disappears but I wonder if it could damage a skin head. Regardless, I always remove them soon after they are used.
Drummers snot! I learn something new everyday from bloggers! Today it is you!