After last year's catastrophic attempt at my chokecherry shrub I decided for some jelly this year. My plan was to give the cherries that I picked and give them to my neighbor. Since I am not set up to do canning myself this was a good choice. Unfortunately our neighbor went on an extended camping trip the day before I did the picking so that didn't work. But.... a friend mentioned that she was using her grandmother's stuff to do her canning. Two bags of cleaned and washed cherries went to her house and 3 jars of jelly returned. I would include a pic of the jelly but you can Google a pic of home made jelly and look at it...they all look the same.
This jelly retained enough of the chokecherry tartness with the perfect amount of sweetness. Thank you Marsha! Good bye shrub experiment I have found my jelly source from now on.
Aww it isn't that hard to make yourself! :)