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More on this 'Gripping' story

 Since I spoke about the issue of addressing the drum with the stick, I should talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the grips. 


When the drum is tilted to the right (either field drum or concert drum) using the traditional grip would be a good choice. The angle of attack for the left hand is correct and the right arm just needs to lower a bit. Even if the drum is level, by bringing the left elbow in and rotating the palm in a more vertical position the angle of attack can be corrected.

There are disadvantages:

  1. The traditional grip for the left hand is inherently unnatural. This would cause unnecessary stress on the muscles. Bending the elbow in and twisting the palm vertical only exacerbates the problem.
  2. Playing multiple percussion complicates things. If the drum is tilted and the other instruments (wood block, cow bell, etc.) aren't then the elbow and palm are constantly changing positions to accommodate the angle of attack.
  3. The grips for Timpani and Mallet instruments use the matched grip so the question should be asked: Why require two different (and opposing) grips when it would be more efficient to learn only one grip.
Using the matched grip allows the student to concentrate on one grip that is capable of playing the entire family of percussion instruments albeit with slight modifications. Even the modern marching snare harnesses position the drum level.
The one disadvantage is if the drum is tilted, again putting stress on the left arm when it is raised to accommodate the angle of attack.

There is no conclusion, I prefer matched grip but there are many others who champion the traditional grip for at least part of the time.

As an anecdote I'll finish with this:
About 10 years ago one of my students played in a Solo and Ensemble Festival. He performed an advanced rudimental solo on an 8"x 15" snare drum. The drum was level and he used matched grip. After his performance the judge commented, " I see you're playing matched grip. That's old fashioned, they're using this grip now".  He then showed my student the traditional grip.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana)


  1. Often change is circular, Grasshopper. I think I would favor playing the matched grip now if I were still playing.


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