Wood blocks are ideal for teaching multiple percussion since different sizes produce different pitches, requiring the student to read multiple lines and or spaces. The problem is that I have a limited number of wood blocks to loan out for my students to use. A few years ago I decided to made some quick and easy wood blocks.
I used pine 2 X 4's since they were easy to get and cut. Using a jig saw they were cut into 'U' shapes, 1/16" plywood was glued on the bottom and 1/4" toe kick board for the top (beating surface), and a small strip for the front to form a slot. Molefoam© was used for the feet. The result was about as quick and dirty of a project that I have ever done but the sound was acceptable for practice.
Recently I found that by gluing rubberized tool drawer lining to the top created a sound similar to a Temple block.
You are always doing interesting projects!