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Muffet 2.0

 We have a new spider. This time she is in the living room window. She is the same type of spider as our original Muffet. I think I'll name her 'Charlotte'.

We have been under an air quality alert for nearly a month because of the smoke from all of the forest fires. This means we can't open the windows at night when the temperature drops. Patti's voice has been affected so badly that she speaks at a pppp dynamic by the end of each day. Even changing the filter in the house 2 times a month.

Unfortunately it produces some dramatic sunsets, and during the day it looks like more like a bad film noir movie set in LA.



  1. Charlotte is a perfect name for a spider! The smoke is awful coming out of Canada....this summer the weather is weird all over:(

  2. Charlotte. Wow, what can imaginative name! Sorry to hear about Patti.


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