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Zucchini Parmesan & Choke Cherry Shrub

We have finally grown more zucchini this year so we started looking for recipes other than our traditional zucchini bread, batter fried or sauteed.  Since the larger ones look like eggplant when sliced, we thought about replacing the eggplant with zucchini to make zucchini parmesan. It worked! Zucchini isn't bitter like eggplant can be and it doesn't need to have excess moisture removed. It's also not a Nightshade plant (I've read that some people have issues with Nightshades). We just followed an eggplant parmesan recipe and used the zucchini instead.
We also had a lot of choke cherries from our small 8' tree (bush?) About 10 years ago I read about making 'shrubs'. Before soft drinks were commercially available, people would make a shrub from cherries, berries and other fruit. It's basically a concentrated syrup that can be added to water, sparkling water, gin, vodka or whatever. We got enough choke cherries to make 2 quarts.


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